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Old testament in a sentence

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Sentence count:113+1Posted:2017-04-22Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: New TestamentSimilar words: first amendmentstamenacid testestablishmentincome statementestablishment offourteenth amendmentinstallment paymentMeaning: n. the collection of books comprising the sacred scripture of the Hebrews and recording their history as the chosen people; the first half of the Christian Bible. 
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61 Beelzebub is an Old Testament name for the prince of the demons (the devil) meaning either "lord of the flies" or "lord of the dung heap, " an intentional insult to mankind's greatest enemy.
62 In the Old Testament, a Jewish heroine who rescued her people by slaying an Assyrian general.
63 Most gem scholars trace the tradition to the Old Testament story of Aaron, whose breastplate was decorated with twelve precious stones, one for each of the twelve tribes of Israel.
64 In the Old Testament, for the coming of Christ in the flesh, and the abrogation of the Jewish testament.html
65 A huge animal, possibly hippopotamus, described in the Old Testament.
66 But the interpretation of Old Testament prophecies involved in the assessment of this evangelical heresy is as important and timely today as Allis found it to be then.
67 Jesus showed them from the Old Testament how the crucifixion was not in fact a denial of the Messiahship of Jesus.
68 In the Old Testament they saw a form of government that, with modifications, could be copied in modern times. That is why they opposed the absolute monarchy of the Jacobean kings in England.
69 The same truth is foreshadowed in so many ways in the Old Testament - Abraham's Iamb which replaced Isaac on Mt.
70 It originates from customs law[], and centers on the Old Testament under the influence of Hammurabi Code.
71 But a very large amount of Old Testament prophecy remains unfulfilled.
72 The Hebrew Old Testament was later translated into Greek called the Septuagint.
73 Song of Songs in the Old Testament is the only poetic anthology that takes love as its theme.
74 Judge and hero of ancient Israel, whose deeds are described in the Old Testament Book of Judges.
75 Quarantine regulations and sanitary practices, which are still useful, are set forth in the book of Leviticus in the Old Testament.
76 One of the 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament, traditional author of the Book of Haggai.
77 Among all the nation, the Old Testament concentrated on one — the Hebrews belonging to the Semitic tribe.
78 Did the people who put together the Old Testament use the Greek canon of Homer and Hesiod as a template?
79 The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are the first five books, called Pentateuch.
80 Nebuchadnezzar II and last king of Babylon, who in the Old Testament was warned of his doom by handwriting on the wall that was interpreted by Daniel.
81 They took her to live in the Temple in Jerusalem when she was three years old, much like Hanna took Samuel to the Tabernacle, as recorded in the Old Testament (Tanakh, Hebrew Bible).
82 Interestingly, the name Joshua or Yeshua is rendered in the the Greek Old Testament, the Septuagint, as JESUS.
83 In the Old Testament it is said that the men should attend the temple and then go home and teach their womenfolk so that the women would not bring disgrace to the family.
84 Old Testament heroine, central figure in the Book of Esther.
85 Son of Nebuchadnezzar II and last king of Babylon, who in the Old Testament was warned of his doom by handwriting on the wall that was interpreted by Daniel.
86 Now keep your finger there and go all the way to the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible,to 1 Samuel.
87 The Dead Sea Scrolls support the dating of the Old Testament.
88 Israelite warrior hero of the Old Testament Book of Judges.
89 Esdras is the first two books of the old testament apocrypha.
90 An ancient country of Palestine between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. According to the Old Testament, the original inhabitants were descendants of Esau.
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